from the Texas Longest Hammer Choir, an art happening created by Andy Rihn in Austin, Texas… photo by Alexandra Valenti ( November 17, 2011
from the Texas Longest Hammer Choir, an art happening created by Andy Rihn in Austin, Texas… photo by Alexandra Valenti ( November 17, 2011
from the Texas Longest Hammer Choir, an art happening created by Andy Rihn in Austin, Texas… photo by Alexandra Valenti ( November 17, 2011
from the Texas Longest Hammer Choir, an art happening created by Andy Rihn in Austin, Texas… photo by Alexandra Valenti ( November 17, 2011
from the Texas Longest Hammer Choir, an art happening created by Andy Rihn in Austin, Texas… photo by Alexandra Valenti ( November 17, 2011
from the Texas Longest Hammer Choir, an art happening created by Andy Rihn in Austin, Texas… photo by Alexandra Valenti ( November 17, 2011
from the Texas Longest Hammer Choir, an art happening created by Andy Rihn in Austin, Texas… photo by Alexandra Valenti ( November 17, 2011
from the Texas Longest Hammer Choir, an art happening created by Andy Rihn in Austin, Texas… photo by Alexandra Valenti ( November 17, 2011